
December 1, 2016 Implementation date! ATTN Medicaid Providers!

See the link for details, but here is a quick summary:

Implementation Date for the New Records Management and Documentation Manual – December 1, 2016

The implementation date for the Third Edition of the Records Management and Documentation Manual has been delayed until December 1, 2016 so that the new edition is available to LME-MCOs and providers 90 days prior to implementation.   

The newly revised edition of the RM&DM and the appendix represent the culmination of many months of fine tuning based on input, feedback and edits received from LME-MCOs, providers, and subject matter experts in the Division of Medical Assistance and in the Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services.  Policy changes which have occurred since the RM&DM was last updated in  2009 have been incorporated into this 3rdedition as well as various clarifications throughout the manual in response to questions and comments from the field.

The basic integrity of the RM&DM has been maintained, however, certain requirements that are no longer applicable have been removed (e.g., references to the ITR, ORF-2, CTCM).  There have been some changes in the organization of the manual for greater clarity and to reduce redundancy.  Some chapters have been merged or topics have been consolidated (e.g., Chapters 5 (Medical Necessity and Service Orders) & 6 (Service Authorizations).  Please refer to the detailed description of the enhancements and new topics in new edition of the RM&DM.


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